Command Apparatus

Chief 81

Chief 81

Chief 81 is a 2016 Ford Interceptor. Chief 81 is the response vehicle of Chief Patrick Conroy. It is primarily used as a mobile command post for any large incident in district or surrounding areas.  Chief 81 also has medical equipment on board and can be used to assist paramedics on medical calls. Chief 81 was formerly the patrol vehicle of the late Deputy Heath Gumm of Adams County Sheriff Department (EOW 1/24/2018). A memorial decal was added to honor his memory.

Support 81

Support 81

Support 81 is a 2004 Ford Expedition 4x4. It is primarily the response vehicle of Division Chief Pat Conroy while acting as the district’s Fire Marshal. When not used by the Chief, Support 81 may be utilized by the on duty crew to assist on any medical or fire call as needed.